Natures' Bizarre Phenomena.

AC Lebih Bahaya Dari yang Kita Duga

In tropical countries, using an air-conditioning (AC) are common. But it's good to pay attention to its use, because the AC was more dangerous than had been suspected 

Inside the tool that loved by most of the tropical country's population, there is a refrigerant that damages the environment. The increasing demand for air-conditioning make it the more dangerous substances that escape into the atmosphere.
According to a Dutch study cited Radio Netherland, on Tuesday (23 / 6), the current AC contributed 3% of the causes of global warming. 
But in 2050, all types of air conditioning and engine cooling will be 15% of global warming culprit.
This happens especially in China and India where demand for air conditioning increased sharply. Netherlands Institute for environmental planning (PBL) called for air conditioning machines using substances that are not too harmful to the environment. The business community is currently developing the substance.


goceng said...

kebetulan ditempat q ga ada ac...yang ada cuma angin alam...

andie said...

untung pake kipas angin dirumah sob!!

dj tutorial said...

wah baru tahu ane thank nih infonya gak jadi ah beli ac. mahal juga sih..hi.hi

franky said...

Ternyata ada bahayanya juga.thanks atas sharingnya

My3DZone said...

wah kalo AC di tempat ku aman Boz,.... (AC=Anging Cendela)hehehe....

kwangkxz said...

Wah jadi ngeri juga nich, untung saya gak suka pake ac, kecuali kalau didalam mobil.

Anonymous said...

tank's informasinya boss untung ngak pake AC

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